HairMNL Academy Workshops by MUD Studio x HairMNL

  • Where can I inquire?

    Feel free to email or SMS/call 0917 180 1133 for inquiries and other concerns.
  • What are the classes and how long does it take to complete them?

    Feel free to check out the available classes and schedule,
  • What can I expect to learn?

    Expect to learn different techniques and other know-hows for basic styling to advanced hair coloring from the experts. Feel free to check out the available classes through the link,
  • Can I take classes part-time?

    Yes, around the class schedule. Feel free to check out the available classes and schedules through the link,
  • Is the tuition fee refundable?

    Payments are nonrefundable can be converted to HairMNL Store GCs or for future classes. Feel free to email or SMS/call 0917 180 1133 for inquiries and other concerns.
  • Do you offer financial aid or scholarships?

    None at the moment, but please make recommendations through this link so we can take note of your recommendation and get back to you as soon as we can accommodate your recommendation.
  • What certifications will I earn upon graduation?

    HairMNL Academy x MUD Studio Certificate will be given once you completed the course.
  • What happens if I don't pass?

    In case a student does not pass the course, the student can come back during the next scheduled run to retake the course until the student is able to pass.
  • What are the state licensure requirements and does this program fulfill them?

    Our courses do not fulfill the requirements to get a TESDA NC-II or III certification, but we can refer a training center that can. Feel free to email or SMS/call 0917 180 1133 for recommendations and other concerns.
  • Do you have any partnerships with local salons or professional organizations?

    Yes through HairMNL and MUD Studio. Graduates of our program will be part of HairMNL and MUD Studio's network. We will be inviting graduates for future events and programs.